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Explanation of safety techniques for steel structure construction operations

author:Tianxing time:2024-06-19 10:36:19 Click:95

1. Construction personnel must be familiar with relevant safety technical operating procedures, and must receive relevant safety consumption education before stopping work. If they are not suitable for high-altitude operations, entry is prohibited, and relevant construction personnel must use correct personal protective equipment. The safety helmet worn must be qualified, and the safety belt must be fastened when stopping high-altitude work. It is not allowed to wear slippers or plastic soled shoes for high-altitude work, and it is strictly prohibited to work under the influence of alcohol.

2. For electrical welding operations, relevant operation certificates must be held. During the operation, flammable and explosive materials around should be cleaned up, and a dedicated person should be responsible for monitoring.

3. Live operation is prohibited, and the circuit must not be connected or disconnected with load.

4. When working at heights, it is necessary to wear a tool bag and anti-skid shoes. Tools should be placed in the tool bag and should not be placed on steel beams or easily lost centers. If there are hand operated tools (such as hammers, wrenches, crowbars, etc.), safety ropes must be worn to avoid falling and injuring people.

5. On site workers are prohibited from smoking, chasing and playing. Special occupations require certification for employment.

6. Non dedicated personnel are not allowed to engage in work, and overhead laying of electrical lines is prohibited. Insulation measures should be taken to strictly prevent scratching, smashing, and collision with cables.

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